Well it's already February and I've had a heck of few months since I last signed in. Currently I am waiting on 3 moms-to-be to deliver, all of them are overdue. I'm stressed, tired and a little worried about getting deliveres stacked one on top of the other...but if it happens I will survive. I've done it before and I'll do it again if it happens!
Did the morning show with Kim & Grant for MY 96 FM in December 2008 and it turned out to be quite fun, even though I was exhausted as I had been up all night at a delivery. Only stuck my foot in my mouth noticably on the one occasion...Monica has since forgiven me for it!
Speaking of Monica, she my new partner and just waiting for certification from DONA that she is certified. I had her running pretty good in December - 3 births in 5 days for her and 5 births in 9 days for me. At least I got to spend Christmas with my family!
I also brought on another partner in January 2009. Chantelle will be bringing in the postpartum doula end of things into Medicine Hat. At the end of the month she will attend her birth doula training, so hopefully I can get her certified by mid-April. Special Deliveries Doula Services is growing - feels like I'm a new parent all over again.
This year has been shaping up to be busier for me than last year. While I'm thrilled that more and more women are using doula services, I'm a little scared that I'll be as crazy as I was last year! Monica is proving to be very efficient at getting her own clientelle, so having her for back-up may not be what I thought it would be! But I'm thrilled to bits for her - she's such a card! Hopefully Chantelle can pick up the pieces, if not I may have to bring Sara out of maternity leave, if just for a few births.
Also finished playing with my website: http://www.medicinehatdoula.com/, added everybody and everything I was missing before - go and take a look!
I thrive on the chaos of it all though!