I cried when I received this…I nearly broke in two when I ended up withdrawing my offer of admission. Why can people not understand that my family comes before my career? Initially everyone was on board of having their wife and mother move to Ontario (a mere 2500 km away) for FOUR years—including a 20 month practicum, but my youngest son’s reality is simply this…at 13 he still wants and needs his mom. I chose him over midwifery school…for now. Although Southern Alberta is screaming for midwives...licensed, registered midwives, and we have NONE…I’m sorry. What kind of mother or midwife would I be if I sacrificed the very things that lead me on this journey in the first place? One day…some way…some how…I will get there. Just not now. And for all you "non-believers" that I actually achieved an acceptance…see below…